Detective Comics 739.The first volume, published from 1937 to 2011 (and later continued in 2016),. Light stress marks along the spine. If this is a regular missing issue, please use the missing submission on the title in question.
Detective Comics 739. Detective comics is an american comic book series published by detective comics, later shortened to dc comics. Discuss detective comics vol 1 739 on the forums images from detective comics vol 1 739 batman recommended reading batman. Detective comics issue number 739 publisher dc comics main character batman genre superhero item description detective comics #739 (1999) seller information seller kenthehobo registered since 01/20/2012 feedback 99.7% store funmerica comics. Detective comics #739 [direct sales] (december 1999) dc, 1937 series < previous issue | | next issue > price 1.99 usd; Detective comics #739 by dc comics copyright 1999.
Detective Comics 739. Legends of the dark knight #125) robin iii (last in batman vol. The first volume, published from 1937 to 2011 (and later continued in 2016),. Detective comics #739 [direct sales] (december 1999) dc, 1937 series < previous issue | | next issue > price 1.99 usd;
Detective Comics 739. Detective comics #739 [direct sales] (december 1999) dc, 1937 series < previous issue | | next issue > price 1.99 usd; October 27, 1999 critic reviews: Detective comics # 739, batman # 739, category:
Detective Comics 739: Artist Patricia Mulvihill Wildstorm Fx Damion Scott Bill Oakley Script Writer Greg Rucka Editor Jordan Gorfinkel.
Marvel dc comics action adventure anthology anthropomorphic biography children comedy crime cyborgs dark horse demons drama fantasy family fighting gore graphic novels historical horror leading ladies. Free shipping over $85 customer service. Her rank, detective third class, and her time at the gotham pd (a little less than four years) revealed) james gordon (last in batman vol.
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics # 739, Batman # 739, Category:
Detective comics issue number 739 publisher dc comics main character batman genre superhero item description detective comics #739 (1999) seller information seller kenthehobo registered since 01/20/2012 feedback 99.7% store funmerica comics. Discuss detective comics vol 1 739 on the forums images from detective comics vol 1 739 batman recommended reading batman. Dereliction of his duty to gotham city.
Detective Comics 739: The Corners Are Starting To Round.
Light stress marks along the spine. Read detective comics (1937) issue #739 online, high quality, fastest update at readcomicsbook. Dolls and bears (2,925) drawings / paintings (24,600)
Detective Comics 739: The First Volume, Published From 1937 To 2011 (And Later Continued In 2016),.
If this is a regular missing issue, please use the missing submission on the title in question. New releases and back issues! Detective comics #739 [direct sales] (december 1999) dc, 1937 series < previous issue | | next issue > price 1.99 usd;
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics #66, 68, 80, 739;
And if gordon loses, the sentence is death! I have graded the comic book, using the overstreet grading guide, at fine/very fine with the following defects: October 27, 1999 critic reviews:
Detective Comics 739: Artist Patricia Mulvihill Wildstorm Fx Damion Scott Bill Oakley Script Writer Greg Rucka Editor Jordan Gorfinkel.
Marvel dc comics action adventure anthology anthropomorphic biography children comedy crime cyborgs dark horse demons drama fantasy family fighting gore graphic novels historical horror leading ladies. Free shipping over $85 customer service. Her rank, detective third class, and her time at the gotham pd (a little less than four years) revealed) james gordon (last in batman vol.
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics # 739, Batman # 739, Category:
Detective comics issue number 739 publisher dc comics main character batman genre superhero item description detective comics #739 (1999) seller information seller kenthehobo registered since 01/20/2012 feedback 99.7% store funmerica comics. Discuss detective comics vol 1 739 on the forums images from detective comics vol 1 739 batman recommended reading batman. Dereliction of his duty to gotham city.
Detective Comics 739: The Corners Are Starting To Round.
Light stress marks along the spine. Read detective comics (1937) issue #739 online, high quality, fastest update at readcomicsbook. Dolls and bears (2,925) drawings / paintings (24,600)
Detective Comics 739: The First Volume, Published From 1937 To 2011 (And Later Continued In 2016),.
If this is a regular missing issue, please use the missing submission on the title in question. New releases and back issues! Detective comics #739 [direct sales] (december 1999) dc, 1937 series < previous issue | | next issue > price 1.99 usd;
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics #66, 68, 80, 739;
And if gordon loses, the sentence is death! I have graded the comic book, using the overstreet grading guide, at fine/very fine with the following defects: October 27, 1999 critic reviews:
Detective Comics 739: Artist Patricia Mulvihill Wildstorm Fx Damion Scott Bill Oakley Script Writer Greg Rucka Editor Jordan Gorfinkel.
Marvel dc comics action adventure anthology anthropomorphic biography children comedy crime cyborgs dark horse demons drama fantasy family fighting gore graphic novels historical horror leading ladies. Free shipping over $85 customer service. Her rank, detective third class, and her time at the gotham pd (a little less than four years) revealed) james gordon (last in batman vol.
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics # 739, Batman # 739, Category:
Detective comics issue number 739 publisher dc comics main character batman genre superhero item description detective comics #739 (1999) seller information seller kenthehobo registered since 01/20/2012 feedback 99.7% store funmerica comics. Discuss detective comics vol 1 739 on the forums images from detective comics vol 1 739 batman recommended reading batman. Dereliction of his duty to gotham city.
Detective Comics 739: The Corners Are Starting To Round.
Light stress marks along the spine. Read detective comics (1937) issue #739 online, high quality, fastest update at readcomicsbook. Dolls and bears (2,925) drawings / paintings (24,600)
Detective Comics 739: The First Volume, Published From 1937 To 2011 (And Later Continued In 2016),.
If this is a regular missing issue, please use the missing submission on the title in question. New releases and back issues! Detective comics #739 [direct sales] (december 1999) dc, 1937 series < previous issue | | next issue > price 1.99 usd;
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics #66, 68, 80, 739;
And if gordon loses, the sentence is death! I have graded the comic book, using the overstreet grading guide, at fine/very fine with the following defects: October 27, 1999 critic reviews:
Detective Comics 739: Artist Patricia Mulvihill Wildstorm Fx Damion Scott Bill Oakley Script Writer Greg Rucka Editor Jordan Gorfinkel.
Marvel dc comics action adventure anthology anthropomorphic biography children comedy crime cyborgs dark horse demons drama fantasy family fighting gore graphic novels historical horror leading ladies. Free shipping over $85 customer service. Her rank, detective third class, and her time at the gotham pd (a little less than four years) revealed) james gordon (last in batman vol.
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics # 739, Batman # 739, Category:
Detective comics issue number 739 publisher dc comics main character batman genre superhero item description detective comics #739 (1999) seller information seller kenthehobo registered since 01/20/2012 feedback 99.7% store funmerica comics. Discuss detective comics vol 1 739 on the forums images from detective comics vol 1 739 batman recommended reading batman. Dereliction of his duty to gotham city.
Detective Comics 739: The Corners Are Starting To Round.
Light stress marks along the spine. Read detective comics (1937) issue #739 online, high quality, fastest update at readcomicsbook. Dolls and bears (2,925) drawings / paintings (24,600)
Detective Comics 739: The First Volume, Published From 1937 To 2011 (And Later Continued In 2016),.
If this is a regular missing issue, please use the missing submission on the title in question. New releases and back issues! Detective comics #739 [direct sales] (december 1999) dc, 1937 series < previous issue | | next issue > price 1.99 usd;
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics #66, 68, 80, 739;
And if gordon loses, the sentence is death! I have graded the comic book, using the overstreet grading guide, at fine/very fine with the following defects: October 27, 1999 critic reviews:
Detective Comics 739: Artist Patricia Mulvihill Wildstorm Fx Damion Scott Bill Oakley Script Writer Greg Rucka Editor Jordan Gorfinkel.
Marvel dc comics action adventure anthology anthropomorphic biography children comedy crime cyborgs dark horse demons drama fantasy family fighting gore graphic novels historical horror leading ladies. Free shipping over $85 customer service. Her rank, detective third class, and her time at the gotham pd (a little less than four years) revealed) james gordon (last in batman vol.
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics # 739, Batman # 739, Category:
Detective comics issue number 739 publisher dc comics main character batman genre superhero item description detective comics #739 (1999) seller information seller kenthehobo registered since 01/20/2012 feedback 99.7% store funmerica comics. Discuss detective comics vol 1 739 on the forums images from detective comics vol 1 739 batman recommended reading batman. Dereliction of his duty to gotham city.
Detective Comics 739: The Corners Are Starting To Round.
Light stress marks along the spine. Read detective comics (1937) issue #739 online, high quality, fastest update at readcomicsbook. Dolls and bears (2,925) drawings / paintings (24,600)
Detective Comics 739: The First Volume, Published From 1937 To 2011 (And Later Continued In 2016),.
If this is a regular missing issue, please use the missing submission on the title in question. New releases and back issues! Detective comics #739 [direct sales] (december 1999) dc, 1937 series < previous issue | | next issue > price 1.99 usd;
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics #66, 68, 80, 739;
And if gordon loses, the sentence is death! I have graded the comic book, using the overstreet grading guide, at fine/very fine with the following defects: October 27, 1999 critic reviews:
Detective Comics 739: Artist Patricia Mulvihill Wildstorm Fx Damion Scott Bill Oakley Script Writer Greg Rucka Editor Jordan Gorfinkel.
Marvel dc comics action adventure anthology anthropomorphic biography children comedy crime cyborgs dark horse demons drama fantasy family fighting gore graphic novels historical horror leading ladies. Free shipping over $85 customer service. Her rank, detective third class, and her time at the gotham pd (a little less than four years) revealed) james gordon (last in batman vol.
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics # 739, Batman # 739, Category:
Detective comics issue number 739 publisher dc comics main character batman genre superhero item description detective comics #739 (1999) seller information seller kenthehobo registered since 01/20/2012 feedback 99.7% store funmerica comics. Discuss detective comics vol 1 739 on the forums images from detective comics vol 1 739 batman recommended reading batman. Dereliction of his duty to gotham city.
Detective Comics 739: The Corners Are Starting To Round.
Light stress marks along the spine. Read detective comics (1937) issue #739 online, high quality, fastest update at readcomicsbook. Dolls and bears (2,925) drawings / paintings (24,600)
Detective Comics 739: The First Volume, Published From 1937 To 2011 (And Later Continued In 2016),.
If this is a regular missing issue, please use the missing submission on the title in question. New releases and back issues! Detective comics #739 [direct sales] (december 1999) dc, 1937 series < previous issue | | next issue > price 1.99 usd;
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics #66, 68, 80, 739;
And if gordon loses, the sentence is death! I have graded the comic book, using the overstreet grading guide, at fine/very fine with the following defects: October 27, 1999 critic reviews:
Detective Comics 739: Artist Patricia Mulvihill Wildstorm Fx Damion Scott Bill Oakley Script Writer Greg Rucka Editor Jordan Gorfinkel.
Marvel dc comics action adventure anthology anthropomorphic biography children comedy crime cyborgs dark horse demons drama fantasy family fighting gore graphic novels historical horror leading ladies. Free shipping over $85 customer service. Her rank, detective third class, and her time at the gotham pd (a little less than four years) revealed) james gordon (last in batman vol.
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics # 739, Batman # 739, Category:
Detective comics issue number 739 publisher dc comics main character batman genre superhero item description detective comics #739 (1999) seller information seller kenthehobo registered since 01/20/2012 feedback 99.7% store funmerica comics. Discuss detective comics vol 1 739 on the forums images from detective comics vol 1 739 batman recommended reading batman. Dereliction of his duty to gotham city.
Detective Comics 739: The Corners Are Starting To Round.
Light stress marks along the spine. Read detective comics (1937) issue #739 online, high quality, fastest update at readcomicsbook. Dolls and bears (2,925) drawings / paintings (24,600)
Detective Comics 739: The First Volume, Published From 1937 To 2011 (And Later Continued In 2016),.
If this is a regular missing issue, please use the missing submission on the title in question. New releases and back issues! Detective comics #739 [direct sales] (december 1999) dc, 1937 series < previous issue | | next issue > price 1.99 usd;
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics #66, 68, 80, 739;
And if gordon loses, the sentence is death! I have graded the comic book, using the overstreet grading guide, at fine/very fine with the following defects: October 27, 1999 critic reviews:
Detective Comics 739: Artist Patricia Mulvihill Wildstorm Fx Damion Scott Bill Oakley Script Writer Greg Rucka Editor Jordan Gorfinkel.
Marvel dc comics action adventure anthology anthropomorphic biography children comedy crime cyborgs dark horse demons drama fantasy family fighting gore graphic novels historical horror leading ladies. Free shipping over $85 customer service. Her rank, detective third class, and her time at the gotham pd (a little less than four years) revealed) james gordon (last in batman vol.
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics # 739, Batman # 739, Category:
Detective comics issue number 739 publisher dc comics main character batman genre superhero item description detective comics #739 (1999) seller information seller kenthehobo registered since 01/20/2012 feedback 99.7% store funmerica comics. Discuss detective comics vol 1 739 on the forums images from detective comics vol 1 739 batman recommended reading batman. Dereliction of his duty to gotham city.
Detective Comics 739: The Corners Are Starting To Round.
Light stress marks along the spine. Read detective comics (1937) issue #739 online, high quality, fastest update at readcomicsbook. Dolls and bears (2,925) drawings / paintings (24,600)
Detective Comics 739: The First Volume, Published From 1937 To 2011 (And Later Continued In 2016),.
If this is a regular missing issue, please use the missing submission on the title in question. New releases and back issues! Detective comics #739 [direct sales] (december 1999) dc, 1937 series < previous issue | | next issue > price 1.99 usd;
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics #66, 68, 80, 739;
And if gordon loses, the sentence is death! I have graded the comic book, using the overstreet grading guide, at fine/very fine with the following defects: October 27, 1999 critic reviews:
Detective Comics 739.Legends of the dark knight #125) robin iii (last in batman vol. Detective comics 739 739 from 1999 buying, selling or collecting? Please fill out the following form to report a missing variant issue from the database.

Detective Comics 739.New / old / tp comics!
Detective Comics 739: Artist Patricia Mulvihill Wildstorm Fx Damion Scott Bill Oakley Script Writer Greg Rucka Editor Jordan Gorfinkel.
Marvel dc comics action adventure anthology anthropomorphic biography children comedy crime cyborgs dark horse demons drama fantasy family fighting gore graphic novels historical horror leading ladies. Free shipping over $85 customer service. Her rank, detective third class, and her time at the gotham pd (a little less than four years) revealed) james gordon (last in batman vol.
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics # 739, Batman # 739, Category:
Detective comics issue number 739 publisher dc comics main character batman genre superhero item description detective comics #739 (1999) seller information seller kenthehobo registered since 01/20/2012 feedback 99.7% store funmerica comics. Discuss detective comics vol 1 739 on the forums images from detective comics vol 1 739 batman recommended reading batman. Dereliction of his duty to gotham city.
Detective Comics 739: The Corners Are Starting To Round.
Light stress marks along the spine. Read detective comics (1937) issue #739 online, high quality, fastest update at readcomicsbook. Dolls and bears (2,925) drawings / paintings (24,600)
Detective Comics 739: The First Volume, Published From 1937 To 2011 (And Later Continued In 2016),.
If this is a regular missing issue, please use the missing submission on the title in question. New releases and back issues! Detective comics #739 [direct sales] (december 1999) dc, 1937 series < previous issue | | next issue > price 1.99 usd;
Detective Comics 739: Detective Comics #66, 68, 80, 739;
And if gordon loses, the sentence is death! I have graded the comic book, using the overstreet grading guide, at fine/very fine with the following defects: October 27, 1999 critic reviews:
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